One Liners

A Book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.
A Budget is What You stay in , if You go without
A Child educated only at school is an uneducated child.George Santayana
A Child is Some One who passes through Your Life and then disappears into an adult.
A Chinese Philosopher, Lao-tze, listed gentleness as the  first quality of greatness. In an age of push, use the magnetic pull of  gentleness.
A Cold in the Head causes less suffering than an idea.
A Compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes that he has got the biggest piece.
A Compulsion a highbrow term for a temptation we’re not trying too hard to resist.
A Conference is Just an admission that You want Somebody to join You in Your troubles.
A Conqueror is always a lover of peace. He would like to make his entry into our state unopposed.
A Fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease.
A Free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad.
A Friend is one before: whom I may think aloud.
A Friend is Some One who can see through You and still enjoys the show.
A Genius is One who shoots at Something no One else can sees, and hits It.
A Gentleman never heard a story before.
A Good father is a little bit of a mother.
A Good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while ,he knows something.
A Good woman inspires a man; a brilliant woman interests him; a beautiful woman fascinates him.; and a sympathetic woman gets him.
A Gossip is a person who creates the smoke in which other People assume there’s fire.
A Great leader is The One who can show People that Their self-interest is different from that which They perceived
A Great man is one who has not lost his child’s heart.
A Great way to find out What You want from Life is to write Your own epitaph.
A Greater Sculptor than a Rodin or a Michelangelo is Thought. What a man thinks in his heart he advertises with his face.
A Habit cannot be tossed out of the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.
A Hammer Sometimes misses Its mark —a bouquet never.
A Husband is really broken in when he can understand every word his wife isn’t saying.
A Kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point. That’s basic spelling that Every woman ought to know.
A Letter is a soliloquy, but a letter with a postscript is a Conversation.
A Little common sense, a little tolerance, a little good humor, and You Don’t know how comfortable You can make Yourself on this planet.
A Little kindness from person to person is better than a vast „ love for all humankind.
A Little learning is not a dangerous thing to one who does not mistake it for a great deal.
A Little more determination, a little more pluck, a little more work —that’s luck.
A Long  habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives It a superficial appearance of being right.
A Long dispute means that both parties are wrong.
A Man ’s life is interesting primarily when he has failed..  I well know.For it is a sign that he has tried to surpass himself.
A Man can give thanks if, in his lifetime, he has found One wife, One friend and One cigarette lighter   he can depend on.
A Man doesn’t live by bread alone. He needs buttering up once in a while
A Man in a passion rides a wild horse.
A Man is all The older for The growing pleasure he takes in being told that he has a Youthful air about him.
A Man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.      Thoreau:
A Man is that large irrational creature who is always looking for home atmosphere in a hotel, and hotel service around the house
A Man likes You for What he thinks You are; a woman, for What You think she is.
A Man must have It certain amount ‘of intelligent ignorance  to get anywhere.
A Man never knows what he can do until he tries to undo what he has done.
A Man should be like his tea: his real strength appearing When he gets into hot water.
A Man should never be ashamed to admit he is in The wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
A Man who enjoys responsibility usually gets It. A Man who merely likes exercising authority usually loses It.
A Man Will Sometimes devote all his life to The development of One part of his body—The wishbone
A Man without mirth is like a wagon without springs. He is jolted disagreeably by every pebble in the road.
A Miser grows rich by seeming poor. An extravagant Man grows poor by seeming rich.
A Nation without heroes is a nation without a future.
A New Idea is delicate. It can be killed by .It can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown
A Newspaper is a circulating library with high blood-pressure.
A Pedestal is as much a prison as any small space.
A Person may not be as good as You tell him He is, but He’ll try harder thereafter.
A Person who talks about his inferiors hasn’t any
A Person’s judgment is no better than his information.
A Play is fiction—and fiction is fact distorted into truth.
A Prayer must never be answered. If it is, it ceases to be a prayer and becomes correspondence.
A Prejudice is a vagrant opinion without visible means of support.
A Profit need not be without honor
A Radical is a Man with both feet firmly planted in the air.
A Religion that is small enough for our understanding would not be large enough for our needs.
A Room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.
A Saving grace of the adult condition is the capacity to be as amused by one’s own follies as by those of others.
A Simple Life is Its own reward.
A Sound marriage is not based on Complete frankness; It is based on a sensible reticence.
A Speech is like a love affair. Any fool can start One, but to end It tidily requires considerable skill.
A Stormy weather is what man needs, from time to time, to remind him that he is really not in charge of anything in this world.
A strange thing about blunt people is that they come to the point first.
A Successful man is One who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.
A Television set is like a toaster. You press a button and the same thing pops up almost ‘Every time.
A Thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.
A True conservationist is a Man who knows that the World is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his Children.
A True gentleman is a Man who knows how to play the bagpipe —but doesn’t.
A Truth that’s told with bad intent beats all The lies You can invent
A Vacation having nothing to do and all day to do It in.
A Wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. the order varies forr any given year .
A Well adjusted person is One who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.
A Woman happy with her husband is better for their children than a hundred books on child welfare.
A Woman has reached real women’s-lib status When she is the One who forgets the wedding anniversary.
A Woman is the only being that can skin a wolf and get a mink.
A Woman looks another woman up and down to see what she is wearing; a man looks a woman up and  down to see what she is clothing.
Ability is a good thing.But stability is better.
About  the only time losing is more fun than winning is when you’re fighting temptation.
About the only two things a child will willingly share are communicable diseases and his mother’s age.
Absence is to love, what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small; it enkindles the great.
Acquaintance: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from ,but not well enough to lend to.
Add one small bit to the truth and you inevitably subtract from it.
Adversity attracts the Man of character. He seeks out the bitter joy of responsibility.
Adversity has the same effect on a man that severe training has on the pugilist.It reduces him to his fighting weight.
Advice is like snow; the softer It falls, the longer It dwells upon and the deeper It sinks into the mind.
Against Stupidity Even Gods fight in vain.
Age does not protect you from love.But love, to some extent, protects you from age.
Age improves wine, compound interest, and nothing else I can think of.
Ah!, the insight of hindsight.
Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.
Aim at Heaven and You will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and You get neither.
All  I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
All  Mankind is divided into three classes: those who are immovable; those who are movable and those who move.
All animals except Man, know that the principal business of Life is to enjoy it.
All of us are experts at practicing virtue at a distance.
All that a husband or wife really wants is to be pitied a little, praised a little, appreciated a little
All the good maxims have been written and spoken. It only remains to put them into practice.
All words are pegs to hang ideas on.
All Your fingernails grow with inconvenient speed except the broken One.
Also constantly remember this rule:The more you think for yourself, the more marked will your individuality be.
Always calculate your chances as 50: 50.Either something will happen, or it wont’.
Always do right.This will gratify some people and astonish the rest
Always do what you please ,and send everybody to Hell, and take the consequences.Damned Good rule of Life.
Always put off until tomorrow What You shouldn’t do at all.
Among those whom I like, I can find no common denominator.; but among those whom I love, all of them make me laugh
An advantage in growing older is that You can stand for more and fall for less.
An aim in Life is the only fortune Worth finding
An operation Which takes a doctor an hour to perform may take a patient years to describe
Angels Fly.Because they take themselves lightly.
Another person’s secret is like another person’s money: You are not as careful with It as You are with Your own.
Anticipation  is the magnifying glass of coming events.
Any idiot can face a crisis; it is this day-to-day living that wears you out.
Anybody can be a Heart specialist. The only requirement is loving Somebody.
Anybody who isn’t pulling his weight is probably pushing his luck.
Anyone can prove He has good judgment by simply declaring that You have.
Anyone who calls a rose by any other name is probably pruning.
Anything  one man can imagine, other men can make real.
Art  Doesn’t reproduce the visible, but makes visible.
Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.
As Long as I have a want, I have reason for living. Satisfaction is death.
As scarce as Truth is, the supply is always greater than the demand.
As Soon as Eve ate the apple of wisdom, she reached for the fig  leaf. When a woman begins to think, Her first thought is of a new dress.
As Soon as there is Life there is danger.
As we grow old, the beauty steals inwards.
At times It is better to keep Your mouth shut and let People wonder If You’re a fool then to open It and remove all doubt.
At War with Your vices, at peace with Your neighbors, and let Every new year find You a better Man.
Attack life, it’s going to kill you anyway.
Automatic” simply means that You can’t repair It Yourself.
Automation is a technological process that does all The work while You just sit There. When You were Younger, this was called “Mother.”
Baby: One long alimentary canal, with a loud mouth at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Bad Conscience is a conscience doing Its duty
Be civil to all, sociable to many, familiar to few.
Be good. And you will be Lonesome.
Be highly suspicious of any political or social group which never thinks there is anything funny about Itself and Its programmes
Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be : Since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
Be pleasant  until ten o’clock in the morning, and the rest of the day will take care of Itself.
Be Yourself. Who else is better qualified?
Because the way was steep and long , and through a strange and lonely land.God placed upon my lips a song ,And put a lantern in my hand
Before  You let Yourself go, be sure You can get Yourself back.
Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which You. need more.
Before marriage a man yearns for a woman; After marriage, the “y” is silent.
Begin not with a, programme, but with a deed.
Behind every great man, there is a surprised woman.
Being A woman is a terribly difficult task, since It consists principally in dealing with men.
Being put on a pedestal has disadvantages which You’re apt to discover the first time You fail to watch Your step.
Between dogma on One hand and skepticism on the other, there’s another way—open-minded uncertainty.
Beware  the flatterer: he feeds you with an empty spoon.
Beware of the chap who reminds You that You can’t take It with You. He’ll try to take It with him.
Beware of those who laugh at nothing or at Everything.
Bores can be divided into two classes : those who have their own particular subject, and those who do not   need a subject.
Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. the optimist invents the aero plane, the pessimist the parachute
Bring in Ideas  and entertain them royally, for One of them may be the king.
Brooks become crooked from taking the path of least resistance. So do people.
By Appreciation we make excellence in others our own property.
By driving more slowly you can help preserve two of our valuable resources—petrol and you.
By increasing  the size of the keyhole, today’s playwrights are in danger of doing away with the door.
By the Streets of “by and by” One arrives at the house of “never.”
By the time a Man realizes that maybe his father was right, He usually has a son who thinks He’s wrong.
By the time we decide a television programmed is something the children shouldn’t see, were too interested    in it ourselves to shut it off.
Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
Chance is the pseudonym of God When He did not want to sign
Change. The only constant in maturity.
Character is not so much taught as caught. Bishop McFerrin
Cheerfulness, like spring, opens all The blossoms of The inward Man.
Childhood : That happy period when nightmares occur only during sleep.
Childhood shows the man ,as morning shows the day.
Children and watches must not be constantly wound up–you must let them run. —Jean Paul
Children are innocent and love justice, while most adults are wicked and prefer mercy.
Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on Them makes an impression.
Children sweeten labors ; But they make misfortunes more bitter .   Francis Bacon
City Life  : Millions of people being lonesome together..
Civilisation is just a slow process of learning to be kind.
Civilization is nothing else but the attempt to reduce force to being the last resort.
Class .. Nobody is a gentleman when big money is involved
Comfort comes as a guest, lingers to become a host and stays to enslave us.
Confidence : That simple ,quiet, assured feeling you have , just before you fall flat on your face.
Conscience  is thoroughly well bred and soon leaves off talking to those who do not wish to hear it.
Contracting a  real friendship is one of the most completely involuntary things a man can do.
Conversation  is like a boat—if everybody crowds on the same side, it sinks. It needs balance to keep afloat.
Conversation between Adam and Eve must have been difficult at times–they had nobody to talk about.
Conversation means being able to disagree and still continue the discussion.
Cooperate !!! Remember the banana. Every time it leaves the bunch, it gets skinned.
Countryman, scorning the light eater: What’s the good of keeping’ your figure if you isn’t got the strength to move it around?
Courage : Fear that has said its prayers.
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live, taking the form of a readiness to die.
Courage is What It takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also What It takes to sit down and listen
Crisis does not make the man.It only exposes him for what he already is.
Crisis is the process by which we go from the transient to the permanent
Criticism demands infinitely far more cultivation than creation does.(In The critic as an artist)
Critics understand very Little.They have to be taught the long hard way.John Steinbeck
Cross Your bridges before You come to them and You have to pay the toll twice.
Culture :Roughly everything we do ,and the monkeys don’t.
Culture is What Your butcher would have If He were a surgeon.
Dancing is a wonderful training for girls; It’s the first way they learn to guess What a Man is going to do   before He does It.
Definition of successful people: They get up whenever they fall down. –  Paul Harvey
Delegating Works .Provided the one who delegates, works too.
Delegating Works .Provided the one who delegates,works too.
Democracy cannot survive without The guidance of a creative minority.
Democracy is  a method of getting ahead without leaving anyone behind. —Thomas Vernon Smith
Democracy is a small hard core of common agreement, surrounded by a rich variety of individual differences
Democracy is The art of disciplining Oneself so that One need not be disciplined by others.
Diamond is a chunk of coal hat made good under pressure.
Diplomat:A Person who remembers a  lady’s birthday ,but forgets her age.
Discipline is like spinach. We may not care for It ourselves, but feel sure It would be good for Everybody else.
Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.
Don’t expect a woman to honor Your privacy. She is liquid and, unless Your resolution is well caulked, she will seep through.
Don’t let someone else create your world for you;For when they do ,they will always make it too small.
Don’t meet trouble half-way. It is quite capable of making the entire journey.
Don’t put off for tomorrow What You can do today, because You enjoy It today You can do It again tomorrow.
Don’t take Life too seriously. You will never get out of It alive.
Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.
Don’t be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much in life.
Don’t go around saying the World owes You a living. the World owes You nothing. It was Here first.
Don’t laugh at a youth at his affectations.He is only trying on one face after another to find his own.
Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.
Don’t over-analyze Your marriage; It’s like yanking up a fragile indoor plant Every 20 minutes to see how Its roots are growing.
Don’t take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.
Dost Thou love Life? then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff Life is made of
Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith ; It is an element of faith
Dreaming permits each and Every One of us to be safely insane Every night of the week.
Dreams can come true,If you don’t sleep too long.
Drive slow and enjoy the scenery — drive fast and join the scenery
Each 24 hours, the World turns over on Someone who was sitting on top of It.
Each generation has to find out for itself that the stove is hot.
Each of the arts has a critic , as it were , assigned to it.  The actor is the critic of the drama.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and apt to mention it.
Earnest People are often People who habitually look on the serious side of things that have no serious side
Economist: The man who knows more about money than the man who has it.
Economists not only can’t agree on the answers, they can’t even agree on the problems either.
Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.
Education is discipline for The adventure of life.
Education is The ability to listen to almost anything without losing Your temper or Your self-confidence.
Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences. —Robert Louis Stevenson
Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower. Goethe
Energy is important, but so is scenery. As a country philosopher once said, “Nobody ever travelled 500 kilometers to look at a kilowatt.”
Entertaining would be a lot easier If You could Just convince Yourself that guests Don’t expect any more at Your house than You do at theirs.
Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents.
Even if You’re on The right track, You’ll get run over if You just sit There.
Even The wisest men make fools of Themselves about women, and Even The most foolish women are wise about men.
Every child born, comes along with the message that God is not yet discouraged of Man.
Every man has the right to feel that “because of me was the world created.”
Every Man in this World reaps What he sows–except The amateur gardener.
Every Man is dangerous who only cares for one thing.
Every man is limited by three things:The knowledge in his mind.The strength of his character.The principles upon which he is building his life.
Every man should marry.After all, happiness is not the only thing in life
Every Man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a-cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.
Every new opinion, at its starting, is precisely in a minority of one.
Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.
Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself.
Everybody wants sympathy, but nobody wants people feeling sorry for them.
Everyone  wants the government to be bold and imaginative and infallible—all at the same time It will never happen.
Everyone is always in favor of general economy and particular expenditure.
Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.
Everything gets easier with practice—except getting up in the Morning.
Everything is much simpler today; instead of solving a, problem, you just subsidize it.
Everything should be made as simple as possible.But not simpler..         Einstein
Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.
Face powder may win a husband ,but it takes baking powder to hold him.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Faith is intellect on the wing.
Faith is the soul riding at anchor
Faith is to believe What we do not see, and- the reward of this faith is to see What we believe.
Faith is What makes You feel the comfort of the, Hearth while You’re chopping the wood.
Fame can come in a moment.But Greatness takes time.
Favor the policy of economy, not because I wish to save money, but because I wish to save People
Feeling let down today  ?     Try looking up.
Feminine intuition is a fiction and a fraud. It is nonsensical, illogical, emotional, ridiculous—and practically foolproof.
Feminine logic is fallacious, inconsistent, irrelevant, capricious, transparent–and –irrefutable
Few are they who have never had the chance to achieve happiness—and fewer those who have taken that chance
Few People know how to hold a meeting. Even fewer know how to let It go.
Few sinners are saved after the first 20 minutes of a sermon
Few things are more satisfying than seeing your own children have teenagers of their own.
Fiction reveals Truths that reality obscures.
Finance is the art of passing currency from hand to hand until It finally disappears.
Fish for no compliments: they are generally caught in shallow water.
Flatterers look like friends, as wolves like dogs.
Flattery is counterfeit money which, but for vanity, would have no circulation.
For Every action there is an equal but opposite reaction—especially on Mondays.
For Happiness One needs security, but joy can spring like a flower Even from the cliffs of despair.
FOR happiness, it isn’t something you experience; it’s something you remember.
For Travel to be delightful, One must have a good place to leave and return to.
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Forgive Your enemies—If You can’t get back at them any other way.
Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.
Friends : Gods apology for our relations.
Friendship ,after all ,is what life is finally about. Everything material and professional exists in the end for persons.
Frustration is not having anyone to blame but Yourself.
Gentleman : Someone who can disagree without being disagreeable.
Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong.They are conflicts between two rights.
Girls Who wear zippers shouldn’t live alone
Given a strong hub, a person can take a surprising number of shocks and bumps on the outside rim without sustaining permanent damage.
Glory is a poison that can only be taken in small doses.
Go often to the house of thy friend.For weeds choke an unused path.       Ralph Waldo Emerson
God Almighty first planted a garden. And, indeed, It is the purest of human pleasures.
God asks no Man whether He will accept Life. That is not the choice. One must take It. the only choice is how.
God could not be everywhere.Therefore he made mothers.
God needed only six days to create the world, but He had the advantage of working alone.
God never quits on you.Don’t you quit on God.
God offers to Every mind Its choice between Truth and repose. take which You please—You can never have both.
God will not look upon you over for medals ,degrees or diplomas, but for scars.
Gods’ Love is unconditional.Gods’ promises are conditional.Mans’ error is in transposing them
Gossip is the art of saying nothing, in a Manner that leaves nothing unsaid
Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are, than we had supposed.
Great joys, like grief’s, are silent.
Great men have ideas. Lesser men make them explode. The least men get the triggers:
Greatness  consists in trying to be great. ‘there is no other way.
Grow angry slowly —there’s plenty of time.
Growing old..        In other words ….is not growing up.
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell
Habits are first cobwebs, then cables,
Half of art is knowing When to stop.
Happiness ; Is Good health and a bad memory ..Ingrid Berman
Happiness is being married to Your best friend.
Happiness is in waiting, but Children, alas, Don’t know It.
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory .
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.
Happiness.Something that comes into our lives through a door we don’t remember leaving open.
Happiness.That peculiar sensation you acquire when you are too busy to be miserable.
Hate is a prolonged form of suicide.
Have the courage to be poor, and you disarm poverty ,of its sharpest sting.
He Approaches nearest to the Gods who knows how to be silent, Even though He is in the right..
He paints the lily of the field, Perfumes each lily bell …If He so loves the little flower …I know He loves me well.
He that defers his charity until he is dead is, if you weigh it rightly, liberal of another man’s goods rather than his own.
He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skills.Our antagonist is our helper.Edmund Burke
He who  seeks only for applause from without has all his happiness in another’s keeping.
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool for ever.
He who believes in nothing still needs a girl to believe in him.
He who blows his stack adds to The World’s pollution.
He who cannot forgive others destroys The bridge over which he himself must pass.
He who does not enjoy his own company is usually right.
He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
He who is carried on another’s back does not appreciate how far off the town is.
He who is impatient waits twice
He who is most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in the performance of it.
He who knows how to flatter also knows how to slander
He who truly knows has no occasion to shout.
He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints.
He woo mistrusts most should be trusted least.
Health is a crown on a well Man’s Head, but no One can see It but a sick Man
Heaven often seems distant and unknown.   But if He who made the road ,is our guide, is there a fear of our losing the way ?
Hell is waiting Without hope.
Here’s to your love, health, and wealth — and time to enjoy each.(Spanish proverb)
Here’s one thing to be said for inviting trouble: it generally accepts.
Hillel, a Jewish teacher famous at the time of Christ’s birth: If I am not for myself, who will be? But if I am only for myself, what am I?
Him That I love, I wish to be free—Even from me.
Hippies  are lost sheep masquerading as shepherds
History is The transformation of tumultuous conquerors into silent footnotes.
History repeats Itself. That’s One of the things wrong with history.
Honesty once pawned is never redeemed
Hope is a light diet, but very stimulating.
Horse sense means seeing things two ways — how You want them to be and how they have to be.
Hospitality must be extended Even towards an enemy who comes to Your house; the tree does not withdraw Its shade from the woodcutter
How a man plays the game shows something of his character; how he loses shows all of it.
How can You govern a nation which has 246 kinds of cheese(France)
How often are we offended by not being offered Something we do not really want.
How strange to use “You only live once” as an excuse to throw Life away.
How well You like hard work often depends on whether You are doing It or paying for It.
How You spend Your time is more important than how You spend Your money. Money mistakes can be corrected, but time is gone for ever
Humility is a strange thing. The minute You think You’ve got It, You’ve lost It.
Humility is like underwear—essential, but indecent if it shows.
Humor is a hole that lets the sawdust out of a stuffed shirt
Humor is an affirmation of dignity. A declaration of man’s superiority to all that befalls him.Romain Gary
I am a believer in punctuality, though it makes me very lonely.
I am an enemy to long explanations; they deceive the maker or the hearer, generally both.
I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by It I might have been saved from Some of my most valuable mistakes.
I believe in immortality of the soul because I have in me,immortal longings.
I believe that genius is an infinite capacity for taking Life by the scruff of the neck.
I don’t ask you to be unafraid-Simply to act unafraid.
I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work.I want to achieve it through not dying.
I don’t believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.
I don’t believe in the generation gap. I believe in regeneration gaps. Each day You regenerate—or else You’re not living.
I don’t like to commit myself about Heaven and Hell—You see, I have friends in  both places.
I don’t mind living in a Man’s World as long as I can be a woman in It.
I don’t say a dress should be tight, but I do think that when a woman gets into a dress, we should have some idea of where she is
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.
I have always Held firmly to the thought that each One of us can do a little to bring Some portion of misery to an end.
I have made the great discovery that liberty is a product of order.
I have never in my life thought things out, nor have I known anybody who did. I have always had to live them out, thinking as I went along.
I have never let my schooling interfere with my Education
I have never met a Man who has given me as much trouble as myself.
I have yet to be bored by Someone paying me a compliment.
I like not only to be loved, but to be told that I am loved; the realm of Silence is large enough beyond the grave.
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him
I love Children. they do not prattle of yesterday: their interests are all of today and the tomorrows.
I must do Something’ will always solve more problems than “Something must be done.”
I ought, therefore I can.
I Read, I study, I examine, I listen, I reflect, and out of all this I try to form an idea in which I can put as much common sense as I can.
I start the summer travelling,” naturalist Louis Agassiz once said, “I got half-way across my back garden.”
I Still live in and on the sunshine of my childhood
I think It Somewhere must be written,. that the virtues of mothers shall be visited on their Children, as well as the sins of the fathers
I think The next best thing to solving a problem is finding Some humor in It.
I use not only all The brains I have; but all I can borrow.
I was born in a very fortunate age. The term “juvenile delinquent” wasn’t thought of. They were just known as pests.
I would rather be a poor Man in a garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading.
I would rather lose in a cause that will One day win than win in a carne that Will Some day lose.
Ideas should be received guests—in a friendly way, but with the reservation that they are not to tyrannize their host.
If a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself.
If a Man can see both sides of a problem, You know that none of his money is tied up in It.
If a Man loves the labor of his trade, apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him
If a man over 40 , still has his appendix and his tonsils, the chances are that he is a doctor.
If all those who speak would weigh their words, how light the air would be!
If an individual is able to love productively, he loves himself, too; if he can love Only others, he cannot love at all.
If at first You do succeed, try, try not to be a bore.
If at first You Don’t succeed, You’ll get a lot of unsolicited advice
If It is true the mind is like a sponge, I wish I could squeeze mine out once in a while  and get rid of stuff I Don’t need any more.
IF It wasn’t for The optimist, The pessimist would never know how happy he wasn’t.
If men had no faith in one another, all of us would have to live within our own income.
If men had no faith in one another, all of us would have to live within our own income.
If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies.
If One Man calleth thee a donkey, pay him no mind. If two men calleth thee a donkey, get thee a saddle
If people only made prudent marriages, What a stop to population there would be!
If pleasures are greatest in anticipation, just remember that this is also true of trouble. —Elbert Hubbard
If swimming is good for the figure , then how do you explain the whale ?
If the only place People can find to live in is unused water pipes, then the authorities should at least stack them conveniently.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years,How would men believe and adore !!
If there is no wind, row.
If there’s “always room at the top.” why is there so much shoving going on up there?
If there’s one thing that makes a husband angrier than his wife refusing in tell him where the money went. it’s her telling him.
If Thine enemy wrong thee, buy each of his Children a drum.
If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that ,only one of them is doing all the thinking:Lyndon Johnson
If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts, but if we begin with doubts, and are patient in Them, we shall end in certainties.
If we do  not go out into the World and call Every Man our brother, there are those who will go out and call him “comrade,”
If we’d stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time.
If you  have knowledge, let others light their candles at It.
If you are good man you want a bad one to convert; If you are a bad man you want a bad one to go out on a spree with.
If you can be deceived, you can be conquered.
If you can find a path with no obstacles, It probably doesn’t lead anywhere
If you can give your son only one gift,Let it be enthusiasm.
If you can keep your head while others are losing theirs, Perhaps you do not understand the situation
If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.
If you Don’t get What You want It is a sign that You did not seriously want It or that You tried to bargain over the price
If you have never been amazed by the fact that you exist,you are squandering the greatest fact of all.
If you lend a friend fifty rupees and you never see him again,it is worth it.
If you lie down with the dogs, you will get up with the fleas.
If you must talk about your troubles, don’t bore your friends with them—tell them to your enemies, who will be delighted to hear about them.
If you see ten troubles coming down the road, You can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach You
If you suffer, thank God! It is a sure sign that you are alive
If you think Education is expensive,Try Ignorance.
If you think you have someone eating out of your hand, it’s a good idea to count your fingers.
If You treat a sick child like all adult and a sick adult like a child, Everything Usually works well.
If You want Children to improve, let them overhear the nice things You say about them to others.
If you want something very, very badly, let it go free. If it comes back to you, it’s, yours for ever. If it doesn’t, it was never yours to begin with.
If you want to discover your true opinion of anybody, observe the impression made on you by the first sight of a letter from him.
If you want to recapture Your Youth, just cut off his allowance.
If you wish to be great, be self-effacing and humble. the tree laden with fruit always bends low.
If you wish to make a Man Your enemy, tell him simply, “You are wrong.” This method works Every time.
If you wish you be like someone else, you waste the person you are.
IF you would know what nobody knows, read what everybody reads, just one year afterwards
If your spirits are low, DO Something; if You have been doing Something, do Something different.
Ignorance , like silence, is a marvelous sanctuary, protecting. one from all the rebellions, all the aversions, all the protests of one’s conscience.
Ignorance is a form of environmental pollution.
Ignorance is not bliss—It is oblivion.
I’m A Slow walker. but I never walk back.
I’m French, so I never discuss politics, cooking or women. I simply enjoy all three.” CHARLES BOYER : “
Imagination consoles people for what they cannot be.Humor ,for what they actually are.
Imagination is as good as Many voyages—and much cheaper.
Imagination is what makes you think you’re having a wonderful time when you’re really only spending money.
Immortality is the genius to move others long after you yourself have stopped moving.
In all pessimism there is wisdom, but It is sterile wisdom; in all optimism there is in madness, but It is creative madness.
In free countries, Every Man is entitled to express his opinions—and Every Other Man is entitled not to listen.
In growing older, we’re supposed to get more likes a ‘peach as we get more like a prune out-side.; otherwise, What’s-the point?
In Individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties nations and epochs, It is The rule.
In its long quest for World peace, Russia has always stuck to Its guns.
In Marriage It is not as important to pick the right person as to be the right partner.
In my youth I stressed freedom, and in my old age I stress order. I have made the great discovery that liberty is a product of order.
In Rivers, The water that You touch is The last of What has passed and The first of that which comes: so with present time.
In the courtroom of conscience, we call only witnesses to The defense.
In the presence of trouble, some people grow wings; others buy crutches.
In this age of reality some men will never believe that lead can  be transmuted into gold—until they get a bill from the plumber.
In youth we feel richer for every new illusion; in maturer years, for every one we lose.
Inequality of knowledge is the key to a sale.
Inflation is being broke with a lot of money in Your pocket.
Inflation is like getting stuck in a traffic jam. You find You are part of The problem, but You can’t work out What to do about It.
Inflation is when half of your salary goes for food and shelter and the other half does, too.
Inflation is when half of your salary goes for food and shelter and the other half does, too.
Inflation might be called prosperity with high blood pressure.
Instinct is the nose of the mind.
Intuition is reason in a hurry.
Is it not frightening that such narrow limits have been set to human wisdom and none at all to human foolishness ?
Isaac Newton, when asked how he had discovered the law of gravitation, replied, “By thinking about it all the time.”
It  is wisdom to believe The heart.
It has been wisely said that we cannot really love anybody at whom we never laugh.
It is a good thing to read between the lines; It tires the eyes less.
It is a small World —until It comes to driving in from The airport.
It is a wise plan to let The cat out of The bag Yourself. Otherwise The neighbors will do It for You, and by that time The cat may have kittens.
It is a wise wife who knows When to overlook and When to oversee.
It is best to rise from life as from a banquet,Neither thirsty nor drunken.
It is better to burn The candle at both ends, and in The middle. too, than to put It away in The cupboard and let The mice eat It.
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust. —Samuel Johnson
It is discouraging to think how Many People are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that one has never heard before.
It is exactly because a man cannot do a thing that he is the proper judge of it.(in The critic as an artist)
It is fine to believe in ourselves: but we mustn’t be too easily convinced.
It is generally agreed that society is at a crossroads—but There is a difference of opinion as to What The signposts say.
It is hard to know exactly When One generation ends, and the next One begins. But It’s Somewhere around nine o’clock at night.
It is in spending Oneself that One becomes rich.
It is no longer true that He who steals Your purse steals trash. If It’s full of credit cards He gets Your money and Your good name.
It is no small art to sleep; to achieve It One must keep awake all day.
It is no use trying to be clever – We are all clever here . Just try to be kind .. A Little kind
It is not doing The thing we like to do, but liking The thing we have to do, that makes life blessed.
It is not miserable to be blind; It is miserable to be incapable of enduring blindness.
It Is not the employer who pays wages—he only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages.
It is not the river that runs, but the water. It’s not time that passes, but us.
It is Perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire.
It is seldom possible to pay back obligation direct; one has usually to be content with passing it on.
It is so easy to pick out the best people.They’ll help you do it. Always.
It is the Man who waits for his ship to come in who’s always missing the boat
It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.
It is very easy to forgive others Their mistakes; It takes more grit and gumption to forgive Them for having witnessed Your own.
It is with our judgments as with our watches; no two go just alike, yet each believes his  own.
It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear You out. It’s the grain of sand in Your shoe.
It often shows a fine command of language to say nothing.
It seems that the second half of a man’s life is made up of nothing but the habits he has accumulated during the first half.
It wasn’t too long ago that you could finance a pretty good war for what six months of peace costs today.
It You can’t make a mistake, You can’t make anything.
Jealousy  arises from a lack of confidence, not in others, but in oneself.
Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting One big One to come along
Just because a rumor is idle It doesn’t mean It isn’t working.
Just remember, once you’re over the hill you begin to pick up speed. Charles Schulz: (1922-2000) US cartoonist
Just remember—When You think all is lost, the future remains.
Just When You think You’ve graduated from the college of experience, Someone thinks up a new course.
Justice is the insurance we have on our lives, and obedience is the premium we pay for It.
Keep Your fears to Yourself, but share Your Courage with others.
Kindness is never wasted. If It has no effect on the recipient, at least It benefits the bestower
Kissing is a means of getting two People so close together that They can’t see anything wrong with each other.
Kites rush highest against The wind—not with It.
Knowing You’ll have Something good to read before bed is among the most pleasurable of sensations
Knowledge cannot make us all leaders, but It can Help us decide which leader to follow.
Lack of Something to feel important about is almost the greatest tragedy a Man may have
Laugh and the World laughs with You; snore- and You sleep alone
Laughter is The shortest distance between two People.
Laughter is The sun that drives winter from The human face.
Learning is often the enemy of initiative.
Learning is often the enemy of initiative.
Leisure Time is no longer a problem. Thanks to modern methods of transport, You use It all up getting to and from work
Let early education be a sort of amusement :You will then be better able to find out the natural bent
Let not thy will roar, When thy power can but whisper.
Let us a little permit Nature take Her own way; she better understands Her own affairs than we.
Let us be of good cheer,remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.
Letter Writing is the only device for combining solitude and good company. —Lord Byron
Life can only be understood backwards, but It must be lived forwards.
Life demands from you only the strength you possess.Only one feat is possible-Not to have run away
Life is  the art of drawing sufficient concluSions from insufficient premises. —Samuel Butler
Life is a great big Canvas.Throw all the paint at it.
Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.
Life is like an onion; You peel It off One layer at a time, and Sometimes You weep.
Life is like music. It must be composed by car, feeling and instinct, not by rule.
Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as One goes on.
Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.
Life is too brief. I had a friend whom I always intended to know better. Yesterday he died.
Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. John Lennon
Life leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia.
Life’s greatest tragedy is to lose God and not to miss Him
Light is good in Whatever lamp It may burn, Even as a rose is beautiful in Whatever garden It may bloom.
Lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won’t get much sleep.
Listening to both sides of a story will convince You that there is more to a story than both sides.
Living in the lap of luxury isn’t bad except that you never know when luxury is going to stand up
Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the Sun
Loneliness is not so much a matter of isolation as of insulation.
Lord, when we are wrong, make us willing to change. Anti when we are right, make us easy to live with.
Love can achieve unexpected majesty in the rocky soil of misfortune.
Love cures People—both the Ones who give It and the Ones who receive It.
Love does not consist in gazing at each other.But in looking outward together in the same direction.
Love doesn’t make The World go round. Love is What makes The ride worthwhile.
Love is like being 16: it can never be completely forgotten, or wholly remembered.
Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases.
Love is The only thing that increases When we share It with others
Love Letters are the campaign promises of the Heart.
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.
Love makes us poets and the approach of death makes us philosophers.
Luck means being in the right place at the right time
Luxuries are What other People buy.
Lying in bed  would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience If only One had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling.
Machines are beneficial to the degree that they eliminate the need for labor, harmful to the degree that they eliminate the need for skill.
Make money .. and the whole nation will conspire to call you a gentleman.
Make other people like themselves a little better, my son, and I promise you they will like you very well.
Make the most of Your regrets. To regret deeply is to live afresh.
Making marriage work is like running a farm. You have to start all over again each morning.
MAKING UP your mind is like making a bed; it usually helps to have someone on the other side.
Man – Born to be wild –Has to Live, to outgrow it.
Man cannot remake himself without suffering. For he is both The marble and The sculptor.
Man had hardly built the first cities before He began to try to, get away from them.
Man is Always ready to die for an idea, provided that idea is not quite clear to him.
Man is born to live , Not prepare for Life.
Man was born only with two fears :Those of loud noise and of falling down.Every other fear must be learnt
Mankind’s happiest times are the blank pages in history.
Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to Its original dimensions.
Many Great ideas have been lost because the People who had them couldn’t stand being laughed at.
Many of us spend half our time wishing for things we could have if we didn’t spend half our time wishing.
Many People live under The illusion that They have none.
Many things —such as loving, going to sleep or behaving unaffectedly -are done worst When we try hardest to do them.
March is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb—Just like Someone demanding a raise.
Marriage : A union of two good forgivers.
Marriage is like ordering dinner in a restaurant. You always think You made the right choice until You see What the other fellow has.
Marriage is the alliance of two people ;one of whom never remembers birthdays..and the other who never forgets.
Marriage should combat without respite that monster which devours everything—habit.
Matrimony is a process by which a grocer acquires an account the florist had.
Maturity begins to grow When You can sense Your concern for others outweighing Your concern for Yourself.
Maturity begins when we are content to feel we are right about something,without feeling the necessity to prove someone else wrong
Maybe they call it Take home pay because there is no other place you can afford to go, with it ?
Men And nations act wisely, once all other alternatives have been eliminated
Men are like record players. they may play at different speeds, but are nice to have around whether they are 33, 45 or 78.
Men are Sometimes cruel, but Man is kind. Men are Sometimes needy, but Man is generous. men are mortal, but Man is immortal
Men exist for each other.Then either they improve them or  put up with them
Men kick friendship around like a football, but It doesn’t seem to crack. Women treat It like glass and It goes to pieces.
Men may be convinced, but they cannot be pleased, against their Will
Men often mistake notoriety for fame and would rather be remarked for their vices and follies than not be noticed at all.
Men who deserve monuments do not need Them.
Middle Age is that perplexing time of Life When we Hear two voices calling us, One saying Why not ?”  and the, other; Why bother ?”
Middle Age is When You know all the answers and nobody ever asks You the questions.
Middle age is when you’ve met so many people that every new person you  meet reminds you of someone else
Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.
Military justice is to justice, what military music is to music.Groucho Marx
Miracles Sometimes occur, but One has to work terribly hard for them.
Misfortunes One can endure — they come from outside, they are accidents. But to suffer for One’s Own faults –ah ! there is the sting of Life
Mistakes are to Life What shadows are to light.
Modern history ought not to be written in anything but pencil.
Modern Paintings are like women. You’ll never enjoy them If You try to understand them.
Money can’t buy love, Health, happiness, or What It did last year.
Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing    nearly everything, money is handy.
Money in Your pocket, You are wise and You are handsome and You sing well, too.
Money is money. Beans tonight and steak tomorrow.So long as you can look yourself in the eye.
Money nowadays seems to produced with a natural timing instinct for the Treasury.
Morale, is When Your hands and feet keep on Working When Your Head says It can’t be done
Most fur coats come from the male animal.
Most husbands are generous to a fault-especially if the fault is their own.
Most ignorance is visible ignorance: We Don’t know because we Don’t want to know
Most men need two women in their lives, a secretary to take Everything down and a wife to pick Everything up:
Most of The change we think we see in life is due to Truths being in and out of favor
Most of The shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.
Most of us keep one eye on the temptation We pray not to be led into.
Most of us spend the first six days of each, week sowing wild oats; then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure
Most people stop smoking in two stages: first they give up their cigarettes, then they give up yours.
Most People would rather defend to the death Your right to say It than listen to It
Motoring is like Russian roulette—You never know which driver is loaded.
Much of the good work of the world has been that of dull people who have done their best.
Music is essentially Useless .As Life is.George Santayana
Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or a sarcastic thing.
Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or a sarcastic thing.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life
Music….Love looking for words…Lawrence Durell
My books are water.Those of great geniuses is wine.Everybody drinks Water.Mark Twain
My friends are my estate. Forgive me then the avarice to hoard them!
My Grandfather always said that Living is like licking honey off a thorn.
My interest is in the future—because I’m going to spend the rest of my Life there.
My son is my son till I have got him a wife.But my daughter is my daughter all the days of her life
Nature does make mistakes: Sometimes she puts all the bones in the Head and none in the back.
Nature gave women too much power; the law gives them too little.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but If You want to test a Man’s character, give him power.
Necessity is the plea for Every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; It is the creed of slaves.
Never  trust Someone who has to change his tone to ask Something of the Lord.
Never accept a flattery as though it were a compliment.And never treat a compliment as though it were mere flattery.
Never bow to Authority . But always remember to tip your hat.
Never cut What You can untie.
Never give a Man up until He has failed at Something He likes
Never give your boy, all the allowance you can afford. Keep back some to bail him out.
Never give your boy, all the allowance you can afford.Keep back some  to bail him out.
Never Go out to meet trouble. If you just sit still, nine cases out of ten someone will intercept it before it reaches you.
Never insult an alligator until after You have crossed the river.
Never lose sight of the fact that Old age requires so little,But requires that little, so much.
Never think of The future. It comes soon enough.
Never try to make anyone like Yourself —You know, and God knows, that One of You is enough
Never write up your diary on the day itself, for it takes longer than that to know what happened.
New York : A great city. A great solitude.
News like substances, ought to be divided into solids, fluids and gases—and appropriately labeled as such for publication
Next to power without honor, the most dangerous thing in the World is power without humor.
Next to the dog, Man’s best friend is the waste-paper basket.
Next to the wound, What women make best is the bandage.
Night : Conceals a World. Reveals a Universe.
Nine times out of ten, we are disappointed in Life because we Don’t ask enough of It.
No Foreign policy—no matter how ingenious—has any chance of success If It is born in the minds of a few and carried in the Hearts of none.
No generalization is wholly true, including this one.
No Man can be called friendless When he ‘has God and The companionship of good books.
No Man is a hero to his wallet
No Man is exempt from saying silly things. The misfortune is to say Them painstakingly.
No Man is really old until his mother stops worrying about him.
No Man is The whole of himself; his friends are The rest of him.
No Man who is in a hurry is quite civilized
No Matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens. – Abraham Lincoln
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.  Eleanor Roosevelt.
No One ever really paid The price of a book—only The price of printing It.
No One so thoroughly, appreciates The value of constructive criticism as The One who’s giving It.
No pillow is as soft as a clear conscience.
No work of Art is ever Completed.Only abandoned….Paul Valery
Nobody knows the trouble we’ve seen—but we keep trying to tell them.
Noise proves Nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid.
Nostalgia isn’t What It used to be.
Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge
Not Keeping an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person’s money as his time.
Not may  sounds in life, and I include all urban and rural sounds, exceed in interest a knock at The door.
Not to be greedy , is equivalent to wealth.Not to buy compulsively , is equivalent to an income.
Not until  we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.
Not Work, but the thought that He must work is What makes the lazy Man tired.
Nothing  in nature is more beautiful than One snowflake, but unfortunately they seldom come like that.
Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced. Even a proverb is no Proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.
Nothing is a greater impediment to being, on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself .
Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.
Nothing is more confusing than the fellow who gives good advice, but sets a bad example.
Nothing is small in love. Those who wait for great occasions to demonstrate Their tenderness Don’t know how to love.
Nothing lowers The level of conversation more than raising The voice.
Nothing makes It easier to resist temptation than a proper upbringing, a sound set of values—and witnesses.
Nothing so needs reforming as other People’s habits.
Nothing was made in vain, but The fly came near to It.
Nowadays women Don’t hire domestic Help—they marry It.
Of a sane man there is only one definition.He is a man who can have tragedy in his heart and comedy in his head
Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness
Of all the liars in the World, Sometimes the worst are Your own fears.
Of all the ways to make Your fortune, the quickest and the best is to make People see clearly how much Your success is in their interest.
Of the few innocent pleasures left to men past middle life, the jamming of common sense down the throats of fools is perhaps the keenest.
Oh , What a tangled web do parents weave When they think that their Children are naive.
Old Age is having too much room in the house and not enough in the medicine cabinet.
Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives.
Old Age is the most unexpected of all things that happen to a man. —Leon Trotsky
Old Age lives minutes slowly, hours quickly; childhood chews hours and swallows minutes.
Once we assuage our conscience by calling Something a “necessary evil,” It begins to look more and more necessary and less and less evil
Once You have become a master in a thing, You should come a pupil in Something else
One Always tends to over praise a long book because One has got through It.
One nice thing about growing older is that You and Your Children Eventually wind up on The same side of The generation gap.
One of The best ways to persuade others – is with Your ears—by listening to Them.
One of the marks of a gentleman is never to show that he’s tired.
One of the striking differences be-tween a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.
One of These days is none of These days.
One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who only have interests.
One thing that the discovery of the North Pole proved is that no one is sitting on top of the world
One thing’s sure about stardom. It doesn’t come in a twinkle!
One Trouble with The World today is that There are too Many People in It who are willing to put in Their oars but not willing to row.
One Way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him.
One Way You can often do more for Your child is to do less.
Only a born artist can endure the labour of becoming one.Comtesse Diane
Only A strict individual conscience makes possible a solid social conscience.
Only he, who has seen better days, and lives to see good days again ,knows their full value.     Mark Twain
Opportunities are never lost. the other fellow takes those You miss
Our mistakes are easier to forgive than The means by which we try to whitewash Them.
Our relationships with others are reflections of our relationship with God
Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too  dark to read.
Pain is neither intolerable nor everlasting, if you bear in mind that it has its limits and if you add nothing to it in imagination.
Parents never fully appreciate teachers unless It rains all weekend.
Parents These days scarcely bring up Children; They finance Them.
Patience is Something You admire in the driver behind You and scorn in the One ahead.
Patience is the ability to put up with People You’d like to put down
Peace comes not from the absence of conflict in Life but from the ability to cope with It
People , want peace so much that governments had better get out of Their way and let Them have It
People are made of flesh and blood and a miracle fiber called courage
People fail in direct proportion to their willingness to accept socially acceptable excuses for failure.-
People fail in direct proportion to their willingness to accept socially acceptable excuses for failure.-
People put as much ego into Their cars as They do petrol..
People so often play up The bad side of things. Nobody ever puts up a sign that says “Nice Dog.”
People who emphatically protest that They are putting all Their cards on The table usually put Them There face down.
People who have no trouble separating The men from The boys are called women.
People who have wild ideas about how to run The earth ought to start with a small garden
People who insist on telling Their dreams are among The terrors of The breakfast table.
People who invite trouble always complain When It accepts.
People who make music together cannot be enemies ,Atleast not while the music lasts.Paul Hindemith
People who snore always fall asleep first.
People who tell You never to let little things bother You have never tried sleeping in a room with a mosquito.
People who want by The yard but try by The inch should be kicked by The foot.
People will buy anything that’s One to a customer.
People would not get divorced for such trivial reason if they did not get married for such trivial reason, in the first place
Perhaps host and guest is really the happiest relation for father and son.
Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as The public library. The only entrance requirement is interest.
Perhaps There’s no better way to stay Young than by saving The energy You would use in trying to.
Persons with any weight of character ,like planets ,their atmosphere along with them in their orbits.
Persons with any weight of character carry, like planets, their atmosphere along with them in their orbits
Piling up knowledge is as bad as  piling up money. You have begin Sometime to use What You know.
Plan  ahead—It wasn’t raining When Noah built the Ark.
Poetry is the impish attempt to paint the color of the wind.
Poise is that quality which enables You to buy a pair of shoes without seeming conscious of the hole in Your stocking.
Politeness  is The art of selecting among One’s real thoughts.
Politeness is to human nature What warmth is to wax.
Politics is like roller skating. You go partly where You want to go, and partly where the damned things take You.
Praise does wonders for the sense of Hearing.
Praise is like chewing gum.Meant to be enjoyed. Not swallowed.
Prayer : Key of the morning.Bolt of the evening.
Prayer changes things? No I Prayer changes people, and people change things.
Prejudice is a disease characterized by hardening of the categories.
Prescription: A physician’s guess at what will best prolong the situation with least harm to the patient.
Probably a Man’s most profitable words are those spent praising his wife.
Problems are The price of progress. Don’t bring me anything but trouble
Procrastination :  is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
Professional football is like  nuclear warfare. there are no winners, only survivors..
Pull Yourself together” is seldom said to anyone who can.
Puritanism is the haunting fear that Someone, Somewhere, may be happy.
Putting pen to paper lights more fires than matches ever will.
Quite a few people are already working a four-day week. The trouble is that it takes them five or six days to do it.
Rare is The person who can weigh The faults of others with out putting his thumb on The scales
Real Freedom is won through self-government, not through self-expression.
Real friends are those who, when you have made a fool of yourself, don’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.
Recollection is the only paradise from which we cannot be turned out.
Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
Regard him that speaks ill of you, when you are innocent,more worthy of forgiveness than him who carried the report to you.
Regret is an appalling waste of energy.Cannot build on it.Good only for wallowing in.
Religion  is caught not taught.
Religion is a thing of our own invention. What kind of truth is it that is true on one side of a mountain and false on the other ?
Religion should be our steering wheel ; Not our spare Tyre.
Remember When atmospheric contaminants were romantically called stardust?
Repetition in nature may be a mere recurrence. It ay be a theatrical “encore.”
Resisting temptations is usually Just a matter of putting It off until nobody’s looking.
Resolutions are like eels—easy to catch, but hard to hang on to.
Retirement: Takes all the fun out of Saturdays.
Rudeness is a weak man’s imitation of strength.
SAVAGE : One who does not wear uncomfortable clothes.
School is a building that has four walls—with tomorrow inside.
Science is organized knowledge, Wisdom is organized Life.
Science may never come up with better office communication system than the tea break
Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind. —Albert Einstein
Security depends not so much upon how much You have as upon how much You can do with-out.
Seek not  Every quality in One individual.
Self delusion is pulling in Your stomach When You step on the scales.
Selfishness is a gift of nature. Unselfishness is an accomplishment.
Sentimentality is no indication of a warm heart. Nothing weeps more  copiously than a chunk of ice
Serving God is doing good to Man. But praying is thought an easier service and is therefore more generally chosen.
Shall I tell you what I think are the two essential qualities of Art? It must be indescribable and it must be inimitable.Renoir
Show me  a Man who is a good loser and I’ll show You a Man who is playing golf with his boss.
Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”- C. G. Jung (1875-1961)
Silence  is not always tact; and It is tact that is golden, not Silence.
Silence is One of The hardest arguments to refute.
Silence is The ocean in which all The rivers of all The religions discharge Themselves.
Silence is The unbearable repartee.
Silence, along with modesty, is a great aid to conversation,
Since God made us to be originals, why stoop to be a copy?
Sincerity resembles a Spice. Too much repels You and too little leaves You wanting.
Sleep riches and Health, to be truly enjoyed, must be interrupted.
Small deeds done are better than -great deeds planned.
Small worries are like gnats; movement and activity disperse them,
Smetimes the man of action is just a fellow who got both his feet in hot water.
Smile : A light in the window of the face which shows that the heart is at home.
Soap and Education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run.
Some cause happiness wherever they go. Some whenever they go.
Some men have acted courage who had It not; but no Man can act wit.
Some men work hard and save money so their sons won’t have the problems that made men of their fathers.
Some novels you just can’t put down. Others you don’t dare to—if there are children in the house.
Some of The greatest love affairs I’ve known have involved One actor—unassisted.
Some of The songs making The rounds now will be popular When Bach, Beethoven and Wagner are forgotten—but not before
Some People have all The luck. And They’re The Ones who never depend on It.
Some People have to be out on a limb before They’ll turn over a new leaf.
Some People regard discipline as a chore. For me, It is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
Some People suffer in Silence louder than others.
Some People, When They hear an echo, think They originated The sound
Some People’s idea of keeping secret is lowering Their voices
Some Pursue happiness ; Others create it.
Sometimes It’s better to compromise—like giving a gunman Your wallet without approving What He’s doing.
Sometimes You think the whole World is falling, and It’s only Yourself that’s leaning.
Space travel  is Even more hazardous than It looks. the way population is increasing, You could come back and ,find Your place taken.
Speak When You are angry and You will make the best speech You will ever regret
Stability is not immobility.
Staring  up to admire One’s own halo create a pain in the neck.
Stones that critics hurl with harsh intent a  Man may use to build his monument.
Straight from the shoulder ” politicians should talk from a little higher up.
Strange ,that men call money “dough”.Dough sticks to your fingers.
Strange how much You’ve got to know before You know how little You know.
Strength is tested by resistance to pressure.True of Marriage ,Friendships and Character.
Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with Your bare hands—and then eat Just One of the pieces.
Style largely depends on the way the chin is worn.
Success :  Is Failure turned inside out.
Success doesn’t always go to The head. Sometimes It goes to The mouth.
Success is a relative term.  It brings in so many relatives.
Success is knowing the difference between cornering people and getting them in your own corner.
Success is not permanent. The same is also true of failure
Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change-From lesser to greater.From smaller to bigger.
Sympathy is two Hearts tugging at One load.
Tact fails the moment It is noticed.
Take a lesson from the whale: the only time He gets harpooned is When He comes up to spout
Taste   …… the sign of an educated mind.Imagination …… the sign of a productive man. Emotional balance……..the token of a mature man.
Temper as a quality that at a critical moment brings out the best in steel and the worst in People.
Temper is a valuable possession: Don’t lose It.
Temptation usually comes in through a door that has been deliberately been left open.
Temptations are like tramps: treat One well, and He’ll return—with his friends
Ten Years ago the moon was an inspiration to lovers and poets. Ten years from now It will be Just another airport
That person proves his worth who can make us want to listen When He is with us and think When He is gone.
That which we call sin in others is experiment for us.
The Ability to laugh together is the essence of love
The answer to our prayer may be the echo of our resolve.
The art of contentment is the art of feeling life is good, at least for the day, or the hour.The sources of this feeling are usually, the simplest.
The barbarism of our time is the more appalling because so Many People are not really appalled by It.
The battle of the sexes will never be won by either side; there is too much fraternizing with the enemy.
The best argument is that which seems merely an explanation.
The best motorist drives with imagination: he imagines that his family is in The car.
The best reason for keeping your chin up when in trouble is that it keeps the mouth closed.
The best thing about growing older is that It takes such a long time
The best things in Life are free, of course, but isn’t It a pity that most of the next-best things are so expensive?
The best time for parents to put the children to bed is while they still have the strength.
The best way to know God is to love Many things.
THE big shots are only the little shots who keep shooting.
The bird a nest, the spider a web, Man friendship.
The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions
The Chinese language has no separate word for crisis: the ideograph for danger and that for opportunity must be combined to make crisis.
The color of Truth is grey.
The Critical period in matrimony is breakfast-time.
The darker phase in the history of any young man is when he sits down to study how to get money without honestly earning it.
The degree of One’s emotion varies inversely with One’s knowledge of the facts–the less You know the hotter You get
The difference between Heresy and prophecy is often One a sequence. Heresy often turns out to have been prophecy
The difficult part in an argument is not to defend One’s opinion but rather to know It.
The dissatisfaction which Every artist feels at The completion of a work forms The germ of  a new work.
The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters.
The essence of courage is not that your heart should not quake but that nobody else should know that it does.
The fate of civilization is like needlework. You can take it up at and worry about it at odd moments.
The fate of civilization is like needlework. You can take it up at and worry about it at odd moments.Frank Sullivan.
The fellow who owns his own home is always Just coming out of a hardware store,
The finest fruit of serious learning should be the ability to speak the word GOD without reserve or embarrassment.
The first step in aesthetic criticism is to realize one’s own impressions.
The foolish person seeks Happiness in the distance; the wise person grows It under his feet.
The future is going to depend not so much on What happens in outer space as on What happens in inner space—the space between our ears.
The Genius of communication is the ability to be both totally honest and totally kind at the same time
The Golden Age was never The present age.
The Golden rule of friend-ship is to listen to others as You would have them listen to You.
The good rain, like a bad preacher, does not know When to leave off.
The greatest blessing of our Democracy is freedom. But in The last analysis our only freedom is The freedom to discipline ourselves.
The greatest compensation of old age is its freedom of spirit….It liberates you from envy , hatred and malice.
The greatest Happiness of Life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather loved in spite of ourselves.
The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have It found out by accident.
The greatest thing a father can do for his children,Is to love their mother.
The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it.
The Hero is no braver than the ordinary man;But he is brave five minutes longer…..Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ideal committee consists of two, four or six People who haven’t time, and One person who likes to run things his own way.
The impossible is often the untried.
The injury we do and the ones we suffer are not weighed in the same scales.    Aesop –“Fables”
The intelligent Man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned Man who is proud of his large cell.
The ISness of things is well worth studying; but it is their WHYness that makes life worth living
The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery
The joy of the Young is to disobey—but the trouble is, there are no longer any orders.
The kindest word in all The World is The unkind word, unsaid.
The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.
The magic of first love is our ignorance that It can ever end,
The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much;If he as an optimist after it, he knows too little.
The man who is resting on his laurels is wearing them in the wrong place.
The man who is resting on his laurels is wearing them in the wrong place.
The Man who rests on his laurels is wearing Them in The wrong place
The Mind commands the body, and it obeys forthwith; the mind commands itself, and is resisted.
The Modern day Man–At twenty he thinks he can save the world ;At thirty he begins to wish he could save part of his own salary.
The moment may be temporary, but The memory is for ever.
The money that men make ,lives after them.
The money that men make ,lives after them.Samuel Butler.
The more  we love our friends, the less we flatter them.
The more You do, the more You are
The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness
The most powerful weapon on earth is The human soul on fire.
The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy.
The older I get, the more I judge People by their character and not by their ideas.
The One certain way of making things worse than they are is saying that they are worse than they are.
The One who doesn’t pull his weight is not asked to pull, while the one who does, pulls for two.
The only  War I ever approved of was the Trojan War; It was fought over a woman, and the men knew What they were fighting for.
The only criterion for judging whether a piece of art is successful or not is,TIME
The only perfect order is that which exists in cemeteries. the dead make no demands and they enjoy their equality in Silence.
The only tyrant I accept in this World is the “still small voice” within me.
The only way for a rich Man to be healthy is, by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor.
The only way women could have equal rights nowadays would be to surrender Some
The other planets may not be able to support Life, but It isn’t easy on this One either.
The past is really almost as much a work of the imagination as the future.
The plain fact is that some people arrive bringing the party with them; and when they go away, the party goes away, too.
The point of tact is not sharp
The poor man is not he without a cent.But he who is without a dream.
The primary purpose of Education is not to teach You to earn Your bread, but to make Every mouthful sweeter
The problem of modern Civilization is to keep ‘space satellites from turning into shooting stars.
The Proper Office of a friend is to side with You When You are in the wrong; Nearly any-body will side with You When You are right.
The psychic task which a person can, and must set for himself, is not to feel secure ,but to be able to tolerate insecurity.
The purpose  which runs through  other Educational purposes– the common thread of Education -is the development of the ability  to think.
The real destroyer of the liberties of any People is He who spreads among them bounties, donations and Largesse.
The real problem of leisure time is how to keep others from using Yours
The really happy man is the one who can enjoy the scenery when forced to make a detour.
The reason  for our high crime rate is that the long arm of the law is often shorthanded.
The reason men lie is, because women ask so many questions
The respect of those You respect is worth more than The applause of The multitude.
THE SACK dress makes a man wonder what a girl hasn’t got that she wants to hide.
The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions
The secret history of some men is that they live so tense that they soon become past tense.
The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be Its parent.
The secret of Education  lies in respecting The pupil
The secret of Happiness is curiosity.
The secret of the Man who is universally interesting is that He is universally interested.
The service we render to others really The rent we pay for our room on this earth.
The Smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.
The splitting apart of Man from Man dooms more than splitting an atom can.
The stars are not so strange as the mind that studies them, analyses their light and measures their distance.
The Sun,with all those planets revolving around it,can still ripen a bunch of grapes,as if it had nothing else in the world to do.
The superior Man is distressed by The limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by The fact that men do not recognize The ability he has.
The test of a truly educated man is what he is, and what he thinks, and what his mind absorbs, or dreams, or creates, when he is alone. —Donald David
The test of a vocation is the love of drudgery it involves.
The theological problem today is to find the art of drawing religion Out of a Man, not  pumping It into him.
The thing to do with good advice is to pass It on. It is never any good to Oneself.
The timid man yearns for full value and asks a tenth.The bold man strikes for double value and compromises on par.
The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer but rather what they miss.
The tragedy of war is that it uses mans best to do mans worst.
The trouble with being the best man at a wedding is that you never get to prove it.
THE TROUBLE with most leisure time is that pretty soon you’re working overtime to pay for all the expensive hobbies you took up.
The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.
The trouble with not having a goal is that You can spend Your life running up and down The field and never scoring.
The trouble with opportunity is that it always looks bigger going than coming.
The trouble with sleep is the going to and the coming from.
The trouble with the future is that It usually arrives before we’re ready for It.
The trouble with today’s individualists is that They’re getting harder and harder to tell apart.
The true tomb of the dead is the Heart of the living.
The truest test of independent judgment is being able to dislike Someone who admires us, and to admire Someone who dislikes us.
The truly  free man is he who knows how to decline a dinner invitation without giving an excuse
The truly free man is the one who will turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
The truth about Man is two fold :He cannot learn Truths which are too complicated.He forgets Truths which are too simple.
The truth doesn’t hurt unless It ought to.
The truth is cruel, but It can be loved, and It makes free those who have loved It.
The truth shall make ye free, but first It shall make ye miserable.
The two most ridiculous statements I know are “Liquor doesn’t affect me,” and ”I understand the Russians.”
The ultimate effect of shielding men from the effects of folly is to till the World with fools
The ultimate sin of the mind is the failure to pay enough attention.
The vanity of being known to be entrusted with a secret is generally One of The chief motives to disclose It
The views expressed by husbands in their homes are not necessarily those of the Management.
The way of The transgressor may be hard—but It certainly isn’t lonely
The wise, Man recognizes that Life’s most important Truths are often trite. the clever Man sees only the triteness,
The wit of conversation consists more in finding It in others than showing a great deal Yourself.
The work will wait while You show The child The rainbow, but The rainbow won’t wait while You do The work.
The World breaks Everyone, and afterwards Many are strong in The broken places.
The World improves through The extraordinary:, but The average give It stability.-
The World is moving  So fast These days that The Man who says It can’t be done is apt to be interrupted by  Someone doing It.
The World is now too dangerous for anything but truth, too small for any-thing but brotherhood.
The World is round so that friendship may circle It.
The worm not only turns; He often does It without giving the proper signal.
The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful, and has nobody to thank.
The worst-tempered people I’ve ever met were people who knew they were wrong.
There  comes The time When a nation, as well as Its People, must choose between tightening The belt or losing The pants.
There  is a difference between not thinking of Someone and forgetting him.
There  is no good arguing with the inevitable: the only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat
There are a thousand hacking at The branches of evil to One who is striking at The root
There are more sell-marred People in The World than There are self-made.
There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.
There are several good protections against temptation.But the surest one is cowardice.
There are several good protections against temptation.But the surest one is cowardice.
There are three ways of courting ruin—women, gambling, and calling in technicians.
There are three ways to get Something done: do It Yourself, hire Someone or forbid Your Children to do It.
There are two kinds of people on earth that I mean Are the people who lift and the people who lean.
There are two things to aim at in life:First to get what you want .The second ,to enjoy it.Only the wisest of mankind achieves the second
There are two ways of spreading light: to be The candle, or The mirror that reflects It.
There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe Everything or to doubt Every-thing. Both ways save us from thinking.
There can be no happiness if The things we believe in are different from The things we do.
There is a divinity which shapes our ends rough, hew Them as we will.
There is a great Man who makes Every Man feel small. But The real great Man is The Man who makes Every Man feel great.
There is just One thing I can promise You about The outer space programmed: Your – tax money will go farther.
There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means.
There is no substitute for conscience, unless It’s living in a small town
There is no surprise more magical than The surprise of being loved: It is God’s finger on Man’s shoulder.
There is no Truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to The whole World.
There is nobody so irritating as Somebody with less intelligence and more sense than we have.
There is Nothing harder than The softness of indifference.
There is Nothing like sealing a letter to inspire a fresh thought
There is only One thing for a Man to do who is married to a woman who enjoys spending money, and that is to enjoy earning It.
There is sufficiency in The World for Man’s need but not for Man’s greed.
There isn’t  even enough time for love. so what does that leave for hate ;. –
There was only one true Christian.They caught Him early and crucified Him.Mark Twain
There’s a time to wink as well as to see.
There’s Nothing so annoying as arguing with a person who knows What he’s talking about.
There’s Nothing that can help You understand Your beliefs more than trying to explain Them to an inquisitive child.
There’s Nothing to match curling up with a good book When There’s a repair job to be done around The house.
These days of Inflation, You go shopping and Don’t see What You want, be grateful.
Thinking is like loving and dying. Each of us must do It for himself
This is  The time of year When You discover that a month’s salary goes just as fast in 28 days as in 31.
This is a do-It-Yourself test for paranoia: You know You’ve got It When You can’t think of anything that’s Your fault.
This is the greatest paradox:The emotions cannot be trusted ,yet it is they that tell us the greatest truths.Don Herold
This minute, too, is part of eternity.
Those who cannot remember The past are condemned to repeat It.
Those who make The worst use Their time most complain of Its shortness.
Though  we travel The World over to find The -beautiful, we must carry It with us or we find It not.
Three  things are good in little measure and evil in large: yeast; salt, and hesitation.
Thy friend has a friend, and thy friend’s friend has a friend.Be discreet.The Talmud
Time goes , You say ?    Ah No !! Alas , Time stays , we go .
Time is nature’s way of preventing Everything from happening at once.
Time neither subtracts nor divides, but adds at such a pace It seems like multiplication.
Titles. They distinguish the mediocre, embarrass the superior and are disgraced by the inferior.
To be born a gentleman is an accident; to die One, an achievement.
To be deprived of the person we love, is happiness, compared to  living with the one we hate.
To be good only to Yourself is to be good for Nothing.
To be interested  in the changing seasons is a happier state of Mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.
To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.
To be spiritual is not to reject reason but to go beyond It.
To be Witty is not enough. One Must possess sufficient wit to Avoid having too much of It.
To do What others cannot do is talent. To do What talent cannot do is genius.
To err is human , but it feels divine
To give  up pretensions is as blessed a relief as to get Them stifled.
To handle yourself , use your head.To handle others ,use your heart.
To have a respect for ourselves guides our morals; to have a deference for others governs our Manners.
To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the popularity of dogs.
To keep well  by too strict a regimen is a tedious disease in Itself.
To Know things as They are is better than to believe things as They seem.
To Know What is right and not to do It is the worst cowardice.
To love  the world is no big chore. It’s’that miserable fellow next door who is the problem.
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
To me the charm of an encyclopedia is that it knows—and I , needn’t.
To really know a man, observe his behavior with a Lady, a flat tire and A child.
To really know a man, observe his behavior with a Lady, a flat tyre and
To Sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men.
To write a love letter we must begin without knowing what we intend to say, and end without knowing what we have written.
Today, listening is obsolete. So is Silence. Each person travels alone in a small blue capsule of indignation
Tomorrow is The day on which lazy People have The most to do.
Too much rest is rust.
Too much time spent on studies ,is sloth.
Travelling is like falling in love; the World is made new.
Treat a work of art as though you are a Prince.Let it speak to you first…Schopenhauer
Trivial matters take up more time for discussion because some of us know more about them than we do about important matters.
True courage  is not only a balloon for rising-but also a parachute ,for falling
True friendship comes When Silence between two People is comfortable.
True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful.
True Youth is a quality which is only acquired with age.
Truth always is in a in a minority of One and Every custom begins as a broken, precedent.
Truth always originates in a minority of one, and every custom begins as a broken precedent.
Truth is a jewel which should not be painted over ;But it may be set to advantage and shown in good light
Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; You may kick It about all day like football, and It will be round and full at Evening.
Trying to impress others does —  usually in quite the opposite  way.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do
Two Dangers constantly threaten the World: order and disorder
Two things indicate weakness—to be silent When It is proper to speak, and to speak When It is proper to be silent.
Understanding the atom is like child’s play compared with understanding child’s play.
Untrained intelligence is as much use as a bottle without an opener.
Use of  The computer in planning marriages is Nothing new. Many a Young Man has been hooked by a calculating mother.
Use what talents you possess.The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there, except those that sang best.
Usually parents who are lucky in the kind of children they have ,have children who are lucky in the kind of parents they have.
Vacations are a little like love : anticipated with relish, experienced with inconvenience—and remembered with nostalgia.
We all admire The wisdom o People who come to us for advice
We all know right from wrong. What we need now is a way to tell opportunity from temptation.
We are always confusing The past that we wish to bring back with The future. We Don’t perceive where anticipation changes to memory
We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the Beautiful Stuff out.
We are not primarily put on this earth to see through One another, but to see One another through
We are such little men , when the stars come out.
We cannot  all be great, but we can always attach ourselves to something that is great.
We cannot always oblige, but can always speak obligingly
We die daily. Happy are those who come to life daily, as well.
We die daily. Happy are those who come to life daily, as well.
We do not err because Truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable.
We do not write because we want to;we write because we have to.Somerset Maugham
We don’t mind Youth having Its fling. But we do object to Some of The things They’re throwing
We don’t want a thing because we have found a reason for It; we find a reason for It because we want It.
We feel free When we escape, Even If It be but from the frying pan into the fire
We find ourselves, at mid-century, in a world that is like a drum : strike it anywhere and it resounds everywhere.
We judge ourselves by What we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by What we have already done.
We live in a World that has narrowed into a neighborhood before It has broadened into s brotherhood.
We love those we are happy with. We do. For how else can we know we love them, or how else define loving?
We may not return The affection of those who like us, but we always respect Their good judgment.
We must  constantly build dikes of courage to hold back The flood of fear.
We need not worry so much about What Man descends from—It’s What he descends to that shames The human race.
We tire  of those pleasures we take, but never of those we give.
We used to have actresses trying to become stars; now we have stars trying to become actresses.
Wear your learning like a pocket watch – hidden.Do not pull it out to count the hours , but ,Give the time when you are asked.
Wearing shorts usually reveals Nothing about a Man so much as his indifference to public opinion.
Wedding is an Event, but marriage is an achievement.
What  A lot of people are saving for a rainy day is some-body else’s umbrella.
What adds to the confusion in this space age is that prophecy gets to be history before It becomes current news.
What are Our Young People coming to? Slowly, but surely, to The time When They will ask The same question.:
What difference does it make how much you have ?What you do not have amounts to much more.               Seneca 62 AD
What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other?
What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered world, but his having gone to search for It on The faith of an opinion.
What I regret , on behalf of myself of long ago, is not the overweeningness but the playing it safe.
What is so remarkable about love at first sight? It’s when people have been looking at each other for years that it becomes remarkable.
What matters is not to add years  to Your life but to add life to Your years
What most persons consider virtue, after The age of 40 is simply a loss of energy:
What really flatters a Man is that You think him worth flattering
What Society needs is broad men sharpened to a point.
What the guests say as They swing out of The drive is what really counts.
What would You not pay to see The moon rise, if Nature had not improvidently made It a free entertainment ?
When  a household is running like clockwork, You find Yourself waiting for an alarm to ring.
When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive
WHEN A fellow says, “Well, to make a long story short,” it’s too late.
WHEN A man has quietly made up his mind that there is nothing he cannot endure, his fears leave him.
When a Man retires and time is no longer a matter of urgent importance, his colleagues generally present him with a watch.
When ‘a wife reminds her husband that They’re not getting any Younger, he can assume that she is about to suggest Something expensive.
When all else fails, follow directions.
When All is said and done. It’s is politicians  who say It, and The taxpayers who pay it
When all is said it is but the art of expressing the invisible by means of the visible.
When an elephant is in trouble, Even a frog Will kick him.
When cheerfulness is kept up on principle, against all odds, It is The finest form of courage.
When Economics gets important enough, It becomes political.
When I hear somebody sigh, “Life is hard,” I am always tempted to ask, “compared to what?”
When I was a Young man I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. I didn’t want to be a failure, so I did ten times more work.
When it comes to giving,Some people stop at nothing.
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.
When our Hearts are empty we collect things
When schemes are laid in advance, It is surprising how often The circumstances fit in with Them
When Someone sings his own praises, he always gets The tune too high.
When The government gives The economy a transfusion It uses Your blood.
When The heavens weep, The earth shall live.
When we put ourselves in The other person’s place, we’re less likely to want to put him in his place.
When You get Something for Nothing You just haven’t had The bill for It yet.
When You open The window Yourself, You get fresh air. When Someone else opens It, You get a draught.
When You re-read a classic, You do not see more in The book than You did before; You see more in You than There was before.
When You say a person has a sense of humour, do you mean that he makes you laugh or that you can make him laugh?
When You say that You agree to a thing in principle You mean that You have not The slightest intention of carrying It out.
When You stretch The Truth watch out When It springs back
When You take stuff from One writer, It’s plagiarism, but When You take It from Many writers It’s research.
Where there’s a will, there are five hundred relatives.
Wherever we look upon this earth, the opportunities take shape within the problems
While money can’t buy happiness,it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.
While money can’t buy happiness, It helps enable You to look for It in comfort.
Who Can say more than this rich praise, that you alone are you
Who overcomes by force hath overcome but half his foe.
Who wants the last drop out of the tankard gets the Lid on his nose.
Why are hotel room walls so thin when you sleep and so thick when you listen?
Why doesn’t medical science work out Some way to make our ailments as interesting to others as they are to us?
Why worry about things you can’t control? Get busy controlling things that depend on you.
Wild animals and One’s relations: If One would watch them and know What they are driving at, One must keep perfectly still.
Wild horses couldn’t drag a secret out of most women. Unfortunately, women seldom have lunch with wild horses.
Wisdom about Life consists in taking the inevitable ventures which are the very stuff of common existence , and glorifying them
Wisdom comes with age, but doesn’t do anybody much good, since humility tends to set in at about the same time.
Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.
Wit consists in knowing The resemblance of things which differ, and The difference between things which are alike.
Wit in conversation is, in the midwives’ phrase, a quick conception and an easy delivery.
Wit is a treacherous dart—perhaps the only Weapon with which it is possible to stab oneself in one’s own back.“
WOMEN THINK about love more than men; that’s because men think more lout women.
Work spares us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.
Worry centers on self.Prayer centers on God
Worry is a circle of inefficient thoughts whirling about a point of fear
Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged It cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Worry is the traitor in our camp that dampens our powder and weakens our aim.
Worry is today’s mouse eating tomorrow’s cheese.
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its strength.
Wouldn’t It be nice If two weeks on holiday seemed to last as long as two weeks on a diet.
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.
Yesterday is experience. Tomorrow is hope. Today is getting from one to The other as best we can.
You always know which people have found life a bed of roses—you hear them complaining about the thorns.
You are not responsible for the thoughts that pass  your door.You are responsible only for those that you admit and entertain.
You are only young once… but you can be immature your whole life
You are only young once… but you can be immature your whole life
You can buy flattery, but envy must be earned.
You can judge Your age by The amount of pain You feel When You come in contact with a new idea.
You can learn a lot about romance -at the movies—if don’t let the picture distract you.
You can suffocate a thought by expressing It in too Many words.
You can usually tell when teenage boy is serious about a girl by the way she calls him up every evening.
You can’t go far in friendship if you are not willing to forgive each other, little failings.
You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?
You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.
You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.
You can’t go very far if You Don’t begin very near.
You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?
You can’t lose weight by talking about It. You have to keep Your mouth shut.
You can’t run away from a weakness; You must Sometime fight It out or perish- And if that be so, why not now, and where You stand?
You can’t take a crash course in serenity.
You come into this world with nothing.Anything you get after that is sheer profit
You could get rich Manufacturing crutches for lame excuses.
You Don’t have to know how to sing; It’s feeling as though You want to that makes The day successful.
You have to know The ropes in order to pull The strings.
You judge People differently and Correctly  only if You Don’t want anything from Them.
You must change with The times unless You are influential enough to change The times.
You never know What makes Some  People tick until They begin to unwind.
You never realize What a good memory You have until You try to forget Something.
You spend an evening with some people.With some, you invest it.
You think practice makes perfect, The chances are that You never had a child taking music lessons.
You will find ,as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others.
You’ll always stay Young if You live honestly, eat slowly, sleep sufficiently, work industriously, Worship faithfully  —and lie about Your age.
Young People do not know enough to be prudent, and Therefore They attempt The impossible —and achieve It, generation after generation.
Your complaining about may be the result of looking backward.
Your dresses should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady.
Youth is looking for new answers—so They can question them.
Youth is When You blame all Your troubles on Your parents; maturity is When You learn that Everything is The fault of The Younger generation.
Youth Looks ahead ; Old age look back .Middle age Looks tired.
You are genuinely happy if you don’t know why.